Saturday, October 1, 2011

Online Life Insurance

The way the industry is changing. As a life insurance agent myself, I constantly explain to individuals looking for life insurance how important it is to have an agent. We will explain and answer all questions that you might have. We will assist you with Universal Life or Term insurance and show the benefits to both. And as much as I explain and show, I have come to the realization that some individuals are only interested in one thing...."How much does it cost?"
Well, I believe that if the curve continues to go the internet way, there is even more of an importance for a central database that is easily accessible. is just that database.
If you buy Life Insurance over the internet, there is no one you can contact when the time comes. I have explained numberous times how keeping paperwork has it's flaw and if lost, your beneficiaries will be lost also. Make sure your beneficiaries, whereever they are in the world, know who has your life insurance policy.

Until next time Michael Hartmann

Always remember our Mission Statement

"To be the best in serving our members by providing peace of mind that their beneficiaries receive their inheritance"

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