Saturday, October 29, 2011

Lost Life Insurance...Procrastination

Hello All,

Procrastination will not help your family when you have passed away. As a matter of fact, we cannot wake you up and ask where you bought that life insurance policy. Once forgotten never found. I have personally been involved with friends that took our service for granted and said they will get around to it. Getting around to it, does not take more than 1 minute to register the company name they have life insurance with. If you only knew how many individuals are out there that wished they could find the only thing that could help them pay for a funeral, pay for the mortgage, pay for food.....If they only registered the accidental death life insurance they got for free from a credit card or that policy they received from their parents when they took it out. It is way to simple to forget and not remember where you put the paperwork after you moved. never forgets and it free to register.
Check out this article. It explains again why a central life insurance database is needed. And is just that database.

Until next time Michael Hartmann

Always remember our Mission Statement

"To be the best in serving our members by providing peace of mind that their beneficiaries receive their inheritance"

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