Saturday, October 1, 2011

Prevent Lost Life Insurance

We receive calls from people all across the country with the devestating news a loved one had passed away. When this happens quickly and unexpected, communication of location of assets are rarely discussed. If you do not know the company name of the life insurance or annuity your loved one had it could sometimes be next to impossible to find. Why even worry about something like that. is a free service and it is secure. It takes 3 minutes to register and guarantee your beneficiaries will never misplace the information.
Keep in mind the insurance companies (at the present time)are doing their best to find you. However, why give them the responsibility to find you when the best thing to have is a central database where you can proactively seek them out.

Tell all your friends, family, loved ones about and help everyone feel confident that your life insurance benefits will be located by your loved ones.

Until next time Michael Hartmann

Always remember our Mission Statement

"To be the best in serving our members by providing peace of mind that their beneficiaries receive their inheritance"

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